The Best Virtual Bike Fitting Process

In pursuit of excellence, we will always strive to help you find your best performance starting with the best virtual bike fitting process – have a browse through our most frequently asked questions to help you out!

Virtual Bike Fitting

What is Virtual Bike Fitting?

Many people try to do it and unfortunately not all virtual bike fits are created equal. We have been collectively bike fitting for literally decades. We pioneered the virtual bike fitting protocol and process and we continue to refine it to bring you always the best possibles outcomes. We really look forward to helping you on your journey to improved health and fitness by making sure you can truly get the most out of your indoor bike. Echelon, Bow Flex, Nordic Track, and even a P-bike –  the bike doesn’t matter in our process! Virtual bike fitting done right changes your whole cycling experience.

Pure Comfort



The best peloton virtual bike fitting

$99 Buck Bike Fit

This $99 bike fit at gives you the best of our service at a more accessable in this service we fully set up your bike and cleats to allow a maxamising of your posture and technique, we set up your current componens to make the most of your set up to minimise potential injury and allow you to get much more out of your cycling. Unparalleled comfort and performance await at just $99! 

Virtual Bike Fitting

$159 Premium Bike Fit

Our Premium bike fit is the gold standard in the field of Virtual Bike Fitting. You will be fitted by one of the 5 partners each with years of bike fit experience. We will analyse your movement and posture in our propriatory pre bike fit protocol and set up your bike to meet your needs, we will give you a full run down of all the components you may need to consider to improve your set up and take you through improvements to your posture and technique. we offer in depth follow up and a revisit if nessisary all included in the cost of the session. This session maximises performance and comfort while minimising the chances of injury and long terms problems keeping you riding happy and healthy!

Virtual Bike Fitting

Combined Years Experience

Happy Customers


Our Virtual Bike Fit Services

We Specialize In Virtual Bike Fitting and we do it well!

What qualifications are required to be considered a "professional" or "master" fitter? Why choose us?

Most bikefitters have followed a pathway of passion. Usually they started as cyclists or mechanics or a pathway through education. All of us at are Level III or Level IV certified fitters through the IBFI – International Bike Fitting Institute. Lloyd is on the board of directors as a Level IV certified fitter which audits bikefitters coming through to join the independent body.

Years of observational experience watching and observing movement quality on the bike is why you should choose us. We must sit on the bike in a certain way, of course within our functional capability to pedal a bike well and effective and without risk of injury.

Cycling injury prevention at the forefront and on bike performance and comfort always in our thoughts get you moving in the best possible way.

How much does a virtual bike fitting cost?

Our virtual bike fit is very thorough and detailed from start to finish. Our current pricing is always in our booking system and up to date there. The process takes approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour.

I would like to book a virtual bike fitting for my partner and I, can we book 2 timeslots together?

We have been asked about double appointment bookings and we can can that we can certainly help you with this. We are giving you the possibility and convenience to share the help from each other with the camera or the tools. Our pricing is $250 USD for this added convenience.

Can you help me with any bike?

Our virtual bike fit process and protocol works incredibly well with most of the indoor riding platforms from Echelon, Nordic Track, Keiser, Schwinn, and even Peloton etc. If you are moving indoors, we can help point you in the right direction with our virtual bike fitting. Just ask us.

When is the best time to get your bike fit?

Seasons change and so does your bike fit. Through the year, our bodies are evolving. There are essentially a few pillars to help steer your decision process.

Body weight change will influence your movement quality and if your weight has changed significantly, consider an update to your bike fit.

Flexibility improvements will potentially help with providing more space in the bike and how you move. You can’t move like Mr. Burns from the Simpsons and expect to perform well on the bike – keep working on it!

Getting stronger? This also has an impact on how you sit on the bike for sure and movement quality can be greatly influenced on strength and your abilty to stabilize at higher work has potential to change your sitting posture.

 Desire for new shoes or a saddle will be the last bigger pillar influencing your timing to get a bike fit. If you look for a change because you are tired of your shoes and want to freshen up your footwear or looking to get move onto a new saddle, this is your time!

How often should you get a bike fit ?

Typical and see above of course, most of our clients like to be proactive in their approach to the fitness and movement quality. Usual would be every 10 to 14 months. The more you ride, the more reason to take care of yourself on a regular basis and update your bike fit setup.

What space do you need to have to perform a virtual bike fitting?

Absolutely important is a good side view from the bike with a good fixed camera position approximately 9 to 12 ft away from the bike. Image this, we need to be able to see from the bottom of the pedal circle including your shoes of course, to the top of your head if possible in the view screen of your camera. Off the bike is the same thing, we need to be able to see you from a distance from the camera and ideally your feet to your head. 

The more distance available from the side of the bike to the camera the better is the best rule to follow!

I have cycling shoes already. What are the best indoor cycling shoes available for me?

If you’re specifically looking for the best indoor cycling shoes, there are a few key factors to consider, such as breathability, comfort, stability, and compatibility with indoor cycling pedals. Here are some popular indoor cycling shoe options:

  1. Shimano SH-RP1: These shoes offer a balance of affordability and performance. They feature a lightweight design, a breathable upper, and a rigid sole for efficient power transfer. They are compatible with most indoor cycling pedal systems.

  2. Pearl Izumi Select Road V5: Pearl Izumi is known for producing quality cycling shoes, and the Select Road V5 is a solid choice for indoor cycling. These shoes provide a supportive fit, good ventilation, and a nylon composite sole for optimal power transfer.

  3. Santic Road Cycling Shoes: Santic offers affordable indoor cycling shoes without compromising on quality. These shoes have a breathable mesh upper, a stiff sole, and a three-strap closure system for a secure fit.

  4. Giro Savix Road Cycling Shoes: Giro’s Savix shoes are versatile options that work well for both outdoor and indoor cycling. They feature a Boa dial closure system for easy adjustments, a comfortable fit, and a nylon sole that balances stiffness and walkability.

  5. Tommaso Pista Women’s Spin Class Ready Cycling Shoe: Designed specifically for indoor cycling and spin classes, these shoes provide comfort and performance. They have a ventilated mesh upper, a fiberglass-reinforced sole, and a three-strap closure system for a secure fit.

Remember to check the compatibility of your current cycling shoes with the specific indoor cycling pedals you’ll be using. 


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